The Busy Person’s Guide to Becoming a Deliberate Learner

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My Journey with Motivation and the Secrets Behind It

Ever felt like you’re sprinting on a hamster wheel? Been there, done that.

As someone constantly on the move, I’ve realized the hard way: deliberate learning isn’t an option — it’s a survival kit. Without it, you’re basically playing an endless game of catch-up.

Let’s break it down.

Deliberate learning isn’t just about absorbing info. It’s about setting out with purpose, channeling laser-focus, and throwing strategic moves in your quest for knowledge.

From juggling the roles of an entrepreneur, dad, and an insatiable learner, trust me when I say: this path? It’s gold.

Wondering how you can light up that inner fire and set out on this journey? Here are some pearls I picked up along the way:

1. Paint a clear picture of your learning journey

Aimlessly skimming through books or being a seminar zombie? That’s wandering, not learning. Your first step? Carve out clear goals.

Think deep: What’s pulling you? Why does it matter? How will you toast to it once achieved? Put it down in black and white. Make them S.M.A.R.T. The clarity? It’s going to feel like a compass in the wilderness.

As someone who’s navigated the turbulent waters of continuous learning and skill acquisition, having that well-charted map? It’s not just reassuring — it’s downright empowering.

2. Quality over quantity, always

You can’t drink from a firehose. Deliberate learning isn’t about swallowing everything — it’s about savouring the right sips. Channel your inner Marie Kondo and do a little learning feng shui.

As Tim Ferriss rightly said, “The most successful people know what to ignore.” Guard your time. Ensure every bit you consume is a golden nugget towards your goals.

So, as you embark on your journey of self-enhancement, be fiercely protective of your mental space. Picture every piece of information as currency. Are you spending or investing?

3. Dive in, don’t just dip your toes

Passive learning? Might as well be background noise. The magic is in rolling up your sleeves and diving into the action.

Here’s a few tricks up my sleeve:

  • Rehash it in your own words.

  • Share the wisdom — teach someone.

  • Test it out in the real-world. Remember, it’s not just about hoarding info. It’s about weaving them together, grasping the essence, and making it your own.

4. Hunt for feedback and pause for reflection

Learning isn’t a solo sport. Toss your work into the world, invite feedback, and marinate in it. Don’t shy away from criticism. It’s not a hit to you, but a boost for your learning.

Periodically, kick back and mull over your strides. Where did you nail it? Where did you trip? These pit stops? They’re your secret weapon.

You see, cocooning ourselves in our little bubble, thinking we’ve got it all figured out, is a rookie mistake. True growth demands a touch of vulnerability. Cast your work out into the open, let it be seen, dissected, and discussed. Welcome every ounce of feedback, be it praise or critique. Absorb it, process it, and let it simmer in your mental cauldron.

Criticism, my friend, isn’t an arrow aimed at you; it’s a mirror, reflecting areas that beckon for a touch of refinement. Embrace it with open arms, for it’s an accelerant, fast-tracking your learning journey.

5. Champion the power of evolution

Here’s something I swear by: Our brains aren’t set in stone. They’re more like clay — moldable, expandable.

Carol S. Dweck nailed it when she said, “brains and talent are just the starting point.”

Stumbles and snail-paced progress? They’re not setbacks. They’re just stretches in your awesome adventure. This isn’t a race; it’s a thrilling, winding expedition.

Remember, every time you feel lost, tap into that inner fire. Refocus, relearn, and reignite. Cheers to the lifelong journey of deliberate learning!

You can do this!

— Danny