No One Is as Grandiose as They Seem

Cover Image: Business strategist and entrepreneur Tony Robbins | Mike Pont | WireImage | Getty Images

I’m just a guy

So many people don’t take action because they tell themselves:

“Who am I to do that?”

Thank God not everyone thinks like that because no one would ever do anything! Tony Robbins frequently shares his story of how he went from being a school janitor to where he is today.

Did he have these thoughts? Maybe to some degree, but that didn’t stop him from taking action.

I was recently on a coaching call with a member of his team and when I mentioned how I really like Brendon Burchard, he told me that Brendon was once a member of one of Tony’s program. It turns out, both Tony and Brendon started from where I’m starting.

From where all of us are starting!

Some of you know me through my writing and my businesses. You may see what I’ve accomplished and think that I’m successful. Some people tell me they want to follow my steps and hope for success, but they tell me that they don’t think they’re up for it.

Screw that!

The truth is, like Michael Tranmer said in yesterday’s SkillUp Academy’s training session: “I’m just a guy.” So are you. But so is Tony Robbins and Brendon Burchard. And anyone else you think has it all figured out!

To illustrate how I’m just a guy, two days ago, I saw one of my brothers-in-law for the first time in almost a year. He was asking me how things were going with me and a few other basic questions. He had no idea about all the things I had accomplished in the last two years. I kept my answers basic. He still doesn’t really know.

People who know me in “real life” see me as just a guy. And they have no reason to see me any other way, because I really am no different from anyone else.

The one difference is that I dare to take action.

I do have the imposter syndrome from time to time. That’s a sign I’m doing great and I should keep going, not stop. Remember this:

The people crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.” — Steve Jobs

Whenever you find yourself thinking that you’re “just yourself” and that stops you from taking action, slap yourself in the face (not too hard) and think about how everyone is “just themselves”.

I know Tony Robbins and others would say the same. They are just guys.

So, go ahead and take action!

You can do this!

Ready To Skill Up?

If you want to become more skilled and be prepared for a better tomorrow, check out SkillUp Academy.