10 Important Life Lessons I Want To Impart My Unborn Son

Photo by Alicia Petresc on Unsplash

This is my recipe for a fulfilling life

Dear Nate,

Soon you will be born in this world some people call cruel. It isn’t — that much I have learned and continue to experience.

Mommy is going away for work for 10 days. During that time, I want to impart one lesson per day that will help you lead a great life. She’ll play the audio for you every day. Keep your ears open, take some notes, and remember the lessons.

You can do this!

1. Always keep an open mind.

Your view of the world isn’t better than others, it’s just different.

2. Travel the world and experience cultures very different from your own.

You’ll become more tolerant and adaptable.

3. Treat everyone with respect.

You won’t agree with everyone. Respect them nonetheless.

4. Don’t have kids until both you and your partner are ready.

Taking care of a child is the most important responsibility you can have. When you’re ready, you’re in the mindset that you want to do the very best for your child. Wait for that moment.

5. Never stop learning.

What you learn and can do proficiently define your level of success in life.

6. Believe that you can achieve anything you want.

Don’t even bother learning the words “I can’t”, they won’t serve you.

7. Money doesn’t make for a happier life.

The happiest people I’ve met were poor. They have lower expectations and every surprise is bliss.

8. Don’t let others decide your religion and sexual orientation.

It’s your life, don’t live it for others.

9. You are enough.

It’s okay not to be perfect. You have your strengths and weaknesses. You have your passions and your talents, as well as things you simply don’t enjoy doing. Accept it.

10. Live life to the fullest.

You only live once. But if you do it right, once is enough.

P.S. I love you.