
Your Complete Guide on How to Become More Productive

Your Complete Guide on How to Become More Productive

This guide on learning how to become more productive comes from an obsession I’ve had since I was very young. I started working in strawberry fields when I was 8 years old. The rules for making more money was simple: the more baskets you fill out, the more money you make.

How to Read a Book in 4 Minutes and Still Get Value From It

How to Read a Book in 4 Minutes and Still Get Value From It

If you’ve heard about a book before and would like to know more about it before buying it, is an excellent resource. You can also use it, like me, to get the golden nuggets much faster. And if you prefer a more visual approach, you can check out the mind maps I did out of them.

Top $200+ Purchases to Make If You’re a Productivity-Obsessed Writer

Top $200+ Purchases to Make If You’re a Productivity-Obsessed Writer

Instead of forking serious money for distractions, invest in quality equipment for your work environment instead. The boost in productivity and in your physical wellbeing really don’t have a price. You’ll make up for the steep cost in under a year and will never look back.

How to Boost Your Time Management Skills Almost Overnight

How to Boost Your Time Management Skills Almost Overnight

What’s one resource we all have and can’t get more of? Time, right? It doesn’t matter if you’re rich or poor, you have the same amount of time as someone in the opposite situation you are in. That’s what I call fair!

Life is shorter than most people realize. People who manage their time well tend to thrive a lot more than people who use it meaninglessly. Most of the time, that’s when someone spends too much time on short-term benefits over long-term benefits.

Below are three simple but hard to master concepts:

Your Most Productive Day as an Entrepreneur Isn’t What You’d Think

Your Most Productive Day as an Entrepreneur Isn’t What You’d Think

You and I — all of us — will always have a tendency to slip into focusing on the wrong things. We make weekly and monthly plans, but the simple truth is, they’re not enough. Think Days can help you regain the clarity you need to focus on the right things.

84 Productivity Killers You Never Thought About

84 Productivity Killers You Never Thought About

I’m often asked what makes me so productive. While I follow some of the top productivity advice you might see on the internet, I’d argue that it has to do with unconventional micro-habits I’ve developed over time. These small practices, which compound over time, are giant time savers.